We love to meet potential members, so feel free to visit us most mornings and weekends.
16822 Kitzman Road, Cypress, Texas 77429, United States
President - Dustin Hiett
Vice President/ Safety Office - Neil Marek
Treasurer/Newsletter Editor - Randy Shewmaker
Secretary - Jim Mulder
Chief Instructor - James Jorden
Junior ROTC Liaison - Bob Troy
For information regarding SPARKSRC and the Air Force Junior ROTC Program, please contact our program director:
Please contact our chief instructor to coordinate ground and flight instruction:
Or Contact Vice-President: VicePresident@sparksrc.com
To be considered as an Academy of Model Aeronautics Gold Leader Club putting others first is key. Safety, teaching others to fly and donating to the community as a club are a few qualifying factors. SPARKS RC Club has always enjoyed reaching out to the community, helping others, spreading joy and sharing their knowledge of the hobby!!
Come fly with us at the Spring Area Radio Kontrol Society!
SPARKS Operational and Safety Rules V1.0 (pdf)
DownloadSPARKS Bylaws v1.6 Signed Optomized (pdf)
DownloadHistory of the SPARKS Club v1.2 (pdf)